CARES Act Questions & Answers - Who Gets The COVID Stimulus Payment?
The big question on people’s minds these days: When do I get my stimulus money? However, other family law questions may arise once the stimulus money arrives.
The CARES Act was designed to provide families federal economic impact payments due to Coronavirus, and in 2021 additional payments for adults and qualifying children were authorized. Many families in Florida are having issues with the distribution of the relief funds due to divorce or separation.
Why did my ex-spouse get my Stimulus money and the children’s money?
Post-divorce, the parent who last claimed the child on their taxes will receive the stimulus payment. Spouses who divorced after filing a joint return should split the stimulus equally.
What happens To My Stimulus Payment if my spouse and I are separated and not yet divorced?
If spouses are separated and not yet divorced, then the amount should be split equally also. Unfortunately, if one party has the money and refuses to release it, you may have to seek legal advice to determine your options and it may be costly to pursue. If you received the entire stimulus, it would be best to give your spouse or ex-spouse the portion of the stimulus payment they are entitled to legally.
Who gets the stimulus money earmarked for My children?
The stimulus money for the child or children can be split equally or given to the parent claiming the child or children that tax year.
How should stimulus money be split?
It would be best to use the money for the benefit of the children and for the parents to work together to split it equitably. If there is a child support arrearage, the funds should be used to pay towards the past-due child support.
If you have additional questions or need advice, please contact Jacksonville Divorce Attorney Norman Law, P.A. for a free consultation.
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Good info, Wendy Thanks for sharing